研修医の皆さまへ ~専攻医募集~



- 内視鏡外科技術認定医取得をマニュアル化し、教室員の中でコンセプトを共有しています。

- 2023年6月現在、内視鏡技術認定医は大学に6人(胃3人、大腸3人)在籍しています。
- 教室員は順次ロボット助手/術者certificateを教室費で取得可能です。
学位取得年 |
学位論文タイトル |
掲載雑誌 (Impact factor) |
1 |
2017年 |
Glycosyltransferase gene expression profiling identifies a molecularly distinct subtype of colorectal cancer associated with poor prognosis |
Cancer Res (9.170) |
2 |
Immunogenic Tumor Cell Death Induced by Chemotherapy in Patients with Breast Cancer |
Oncol Rep (2.98) |
3 |
Augmentation of Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity with defucosylated mAbs in patients with GI-tract cancer |
Oncol Lett (1.66) |
4 |
2018年 |
Regulation of PD-L1 by microRNA in colorectal cancer with mismatch repair deficiency |
Mol Cancer Res (4.48) |
5 |
2019年 |
Non-invasive continuous blood pressure monitoring using microelectromechanical system technology |
Blood Press Monit (1.09) |
6 |
KRT17 as a prognostic biomarker in stage Ⅱ colorectal cancer |
Carcinogenesis (4.94) |
7 |
Characterization of tumor-infiltrating immune cells in relation to microbiota in colorectal cancers |
Cancer Immnol Immn (5.44) |
8 |
2020年 |
Prevalence of Lynch syndrome among patients with upper urinary tract carcinoma in a Japanese hospital-based population |
Jpn J Clin Oncol (3.01) |
9 |
Evaluation of selective sensitivity of EZH2 inhibitors based on synthetic lethality in ARIDlA¬deficient gastric cancer |
Gastric Cancer (7..37) |
10 |
Regulation on introducing process of the highly difficult new medical technologies: A survey on the current status of practice guidelines in Japan and overseas |
Biost Trends (2.40) |
11 |
Gene aberration profile of tumors of adolescent and young adult females |
Oncotarget (5.17) |
12 |
Identification of a TGFβ-dependent stromal subset in dMMR/MSI-H colorectal cancer |
Mol Cncer Res (5.84) |
13 |
Therapeutic potential of anti-VEGF receptor 2 therapy targeting for M2-tumor-associated macrophages in colorectal cancer |
Cancer Immnol Immn (6.98) |
14 |
2021年 |
ARID1A deficiency in EBV-positive gastric cancer is partially regulated by EBV-encoded miRNAs, but not by DNA promotor hypermethylation. |
Carcinogenesis (4.94) |
15 |
PD-Ll overexpression in EBV-positive gastric cancer is caused by unique genomic or epigenomic mechanisms |
Sci Rep (4.38) |
16 |
Tn Antigen Expression Defines an Immune Cold Subset of Mismatch-Repair Deficient Colorectal Cancer |
Int J Mol Sci (5.92) |
17 |
Stromal expression of cancer-associated fibroblast-related molecules,Versican and lumican,is strongly associated with worse relapse-free and overall suevival times in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma |
Oncol Lett (2.97) |
18 |
2022年 |
Role of the cGAS-STING pathway in regulating the tumor-immune microenvironment in dMMR/MSI colorectal cancer |
Cancer Immunol Immn (6.6) |
19 |
Immune escape mechanism behind resistance to anti-PD-1 therapy in gastrointestinal tract metastasis in malignant melanoma patients with multiple metastases |
Cancer Immunol Immn (6.6) |

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- 1休日回診-1ポイントとし、10ポイントで平日の休み(有給)をとれるシステムにしています。
- 夜間・休日緊急手術を完全当番制とし、当番以外は呼ばれません。
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随時、gi-tsurg@fmu.ac.jp のアドレスで連絡をお待ちしております。